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How Has COVID-19 Affected Sexual Violence?

As mentioned, one of the most common forms of DFSA is through the consumption of alcohol. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the lifestyle of most individuals, including their drinking habits.

In May 2021 a study was published regarding these differences in drinking habits with the COVID-19 pandemic. The study gathered data from around the world, including, Australia, Ireland, France, Brazil, Austria, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Overall it was found that there were some increases in alcohol consumption and frequency of drinking. Underage drinking and heavy drinking in certain populations also intensified. Lockdown and Stay-at-Home Orders led to an increase incidence of negative behaviours associated with heavy alcohol consumption, including domestic violence. Sexual violence was among one of the many forms of domestic violence which displayed increased incidence rates during the pandemic.

Study proposes 50 days on, 30 days off coronavirus lockdown strategy

Is this the same for Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault? Unfortunately, there have not been many studies that directly looked at the correlation or association between COVID-19 and DFSA. There are certain questions however that we can consider based on the information that is known.

With the closing of bars, restaurants and other services which provide alcoholic drinks for consumption on-site, is there a significant reduction in the number of DFSA cases?

Has the reduction in the number of personnel allowed in bars and restaurants affected the prevalence of DFSA?

With the Lockdown and Stay-at-Home Orders that have been in effect throughout the pandemic, there is an expected reduction in the number of dates people are going on. Due to these societal changes, has there been a decrease in date-rape cases?

Not only is it important to consider how the pandemic has influenced these cases, but it is also necessary to consider its impact after the pandemic, or rather when everything returns to “normal”.

With many indoor places and educational institutions opening up, many people are excited to get back into their normal routines. In the case of post-secondary students specifically, this is associated with partying and thus drinking. This drinking culture, as mentioned in “drunks, alcohol, and consent” creates opportunities for DFSA. There needs to be more investigation in this regard to determine if any changes in the approach to DFSA prevention and victim support are needed.

Current News

Below you will find a few of the recent reports which made the news.

Contributed By: Sri Gunturi


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